For the past several weeks, tennis, golf, hiking and cycling summer preparation programs have been featured. To complete this series, while not specifically addressing water-skiing/wakeboarding/surfing, rowing, swimming, rock climbing and sailing programs, etc. there are four exercises that bind all of these activities together due to the functional benefits involved.
Therefore, below these four exercises are highlighted and may be added to any of the previous programs discussed recently. As always, prior to beginning any exercise program or activity, please consult your physician.
-All of the following exercises are very challenging. Therefore, be certain to master each foundational exercise first (i.e. a pushup prior to a pushup row, a plank prior to a plank on the BOSU or ball, etc.). Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions of each exercise in the sequence shown on two-three non-consecutive days/week.
Pushup/Rows – floor – create a modified or full plank position from the floor. In this exercise, you cannot perform it from the elbows. Your hands must be on the floor. Modified indicates knees down. From the plank position, lower into a pushup and as you rise into the plank again, row one arm up and back, slightly rotating the torso as you row, then lower arm back down and perform a pushup/repeat. Alternate R/L rows with pushups between. *You may use dumbbells with the hands on the floor on top of the dumbbells performing the rows with the external load. *Trains the pectorals/deltoids/triceps, nose to toes core and lats (wide part of the back).
Curtsey Lunges – TRX – set the straps approximately 18” from the floor; stand facing the TRX anchor point, move away from the anchor point so that the straps are completely straight as you hold the handles. Then, walk under the TRX far enough so that you will be able to load up the lower body appropriately and keep the straps taut throughout—no movement in the arms. Legs begin shoulder distance apart. Standing on the R leg, bring the L leg over and cross behind the R leg in a “curtesy” position with the heel elevated and the R knee aligned over the R heel. Then, press up and to the other side. This is a great lower body, transverse/frontal plane exercise; however, you must be meticulous about keeping the knee of the stationary leg tracking properly over the heel. *Trains the quadriceps/hamstrings/glutes/hip abductors/adductors and nose to toes core.
Atomic/knee tucks – TRX – kneeling down facing away from the TRX anchor point, place the feet in the straps, top of foot facing the floor, assume a plank position (think “packing the shoulders down”) and then tuck the knees in aiming to the R (think base of rib cage to hip bone), then into the center and then to the L. Perform 4 rounds and then repeat. *Trains the nose to toes core.
Elbow Plank on Stability Ball – Feet on BOSU – place the BOSU against the wall so it will not slip while you are in the plank. In a prone position, place the elbows on the stability ball and the toes on the top of the BOSU, lift the knees and hold the plank. If this is too challenging, perform the plank from the ball only, or from the BOSU only. *Trains the nose to toes core.
Jackie Wright is the owner/manager of Mountain Life Fitness, LLC located in Granby. She may be reached at her website at http://www.mtnlifefitness.com or email at jackie@mtnlifefitness.com.