Grand County police blotter June 27-July 5: Police respond to alarms, smells of gas, campfires

June 27

3:31 p.m. Police responded to a report of a hit-and-run in Winter Park.

7:04 p.m. The holdup alarm at a Winter Park bank went off. Six minutes later, police were checking the building with the cleaning crew.

June 28

• 10:56 a.m. An ongoing dispute between two workers about of their job performance reportedly led to challenges to fight each other. Police advised the reporting party was the dispute needed to be settled with a supervisor and, if needed, the individual could apply for a restraining order with county courts.

• 5:30 p.m. Police responded to a call about a driver who got one wheel on a small hatchback stuck in a planter box at a Fraser gas station.

• 7:55 p.m. Police responded to an abandoned campfire outside Winter Park.

June 29

• 7:53 p.m. East Grand firefighters responded to a call about smoke on a hillside outside Fraser. It turned out to be a campfire.

• 8:06 p.m. A passerby smelled natural gas outside Fraser Town Hall. East Grand firefighters responded and contacted Xcel, and the company sent out a technician.

June 30

• 2:39 p.m. East Grand Fire was called to a fire at a resort in Winter Park, but it was just the building’s new alarm. The alarm trigged another call at 3:03 p.m. and then again at 9:47 p.m.

July 1

• 1:03 a.m. Police responded to a report about a man who was drunk on a bench in Winter Park.

• 9:52 p.m. Police investigated an incident in which a construction cone was apparently put through someone’s windshield.

July 3

• 12:15 a.m. Police performed a welfare check on a woman who was reportedly outside a Winter Park bar asking for rides to Crested Butte. The caller told police the woman was acting strange, “like she was on something.”

July 4

• 10:20 p.m. Firefighters took a call about a person who had been locked out of a home on a deck.

July 5

• 12:15 a.m. Police responded to a report of illegal fireworks.

• 10:10 a.m. — Police took a call in which someone asked about dogs being off their leashes and requested extra patrols at Wolf Park in Winter Park.

The Sky-Hi News police blotter offers a glimpse of police activity taken from the Grand County Sheriff’s Office, Kremmling Police, Granby Police and Fraser-Winter Park Police logs. It is not a comprehensive report of all police activity. Calls such as domestic violence, DUIs, sexual assaults and juvenile situations typically do not appear.

via:: Sky-Hi News