Grand County Treasurer resigns after 30 years

Christina Whitmer announced her resignation on July 2 as County Treasurer after 30 years on the job.
Sky-Hi News file photo

Grand County Treasurer Christina Whitmer announced her resignation of the elected position in May after working in the role for 30 years.

Whitmer’s letter of resignation to the Board of County Commissioners states her last day will be July 2. In the letter, Whitmer doesn’t directly identify a reason for her departure, but expresses thanks for her time working at the county. 

Since Whitmer is resigning the job more than 90 days before the next election for the position in November 2022, the BOCC is able to appoint someone to the position until the election, Grand County Attorney Chris Leahy said.

Leahy added that each political party will be able to choose candidates for the 2022 election and independents can run for treasurer then as well.

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The BOCC has not yet appointed a new treasurer.

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via:: Sky-Hi News