Grand County’s retail marijuana saw decline in March sales

Grand County’s retail marijuana sales might have felt the effects of the COVID-19 closures in March, according to the state’s sales report.

According to the Colorado Department of Revenue, Grand County saw $661,002 in retail marijuana sales in March. This is less than what the county reported in March of last year, which was $716,797.

In an industry that’s seen steady growth in Grand and across the state, the drop of more than $55,000 in sales likely was due in part to the coronavirus closures that starting rolling in mid-March. Though marijuana stores were considered essential and allowed to remain open, tourism was discouraged and ski resorts shut down before spring break could properly begin.

The state overall saw an increase in retail marijuana sales in March, with $128 million in sales this year compared to $114 million in March 2019.

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While March was still the highest month for retail marijuana sales this year so far in Grand, it was only slightly higher than January’s $626,116 in sales and February’s $612,478. Last year, March’s retail sales were more than $100,000 higher than January or February.

April and May marijuana sales tend to drop as the county enters mud season, so those numbers might not show as much impact from the coronavirus pandemic as March has. April and May’s reports have not yet been released by the state.

Last year, Grand’s best month for retail marijuana sales was July at $764,812 while the worst was May at $396,004.

Through March, Colorado has seen more than $438 million in total retail and medical marijuana sales this year. Grand County’s medical marijuana sales were not reported.

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via:: Sky-Hi News