Over 80 MPHS students will be taking 150 Advanced Placement exams during the next few weeks. That means over 20% of MPHS students will be sitting for and taking AP exams. Please congratulate any students that you know taking an exam, it really is a reflection of their hard work and academic achievement. For more information about AP please check out: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/exploreap/the-ap-experience or contact Ben Polonowski at MPHS.
Please attend the community program: “Cyber bullying/Social Media” in the MPHS library Wednesday, May 8 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Dinner is provided. RSVP by calling 887-2104.
MPHS will be hosting an ELL family night on May 9 at 6 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
The counselors from MPHS and West Grand HS recently brought 40 students to Colorado School of Mines and Red Rocks Community College for tours and information sessions. The students also enjoyed lunch in the School of Mines student union. Thank you to Grand County Higher Ed for supporting post-secondary opportunities for our students and community members.
The Colorado Department of Higher Education declared May 1 as Decision Day, in order to honor students who have decided to continue their education pathway after high school. To celebrate, MPHS students and staff wore their favorite gear from colleges, universities, and military branches.
EGMS eighth grade boys and eighth grade girls track teams placed first at the Bear Creek Championships on Saturday. Seventh grade boys and girls teams took third; 22 teams participated.
MPHS was recognized by the CDE as one of 52 schools in Colorado that reached the target goal of increased FAFSA completion. This means more students will have access to financial aid, scholarships, grants, and work-study programs.
From the Granby Elementary PAC: WOW – Great job on the Read-A-Thon Granby Elementary Bears! HUGE thanks to all of the students, parents and teachers for your help and support. Because of you all, the school earned $2050.00 that will go toward grants for GES teachers. Grant money can be used to buy additional classroom supplies, purchase equipment to enhance curriculums, or to help provide creative learning projects for our students.
Winners: Overall Classroom most minutes: Linke, all receive shirts and an ice cream sundae party!
Overall reader most minutes – Riley Pillar – 695 minutes, she receives a shirt and $30 BOGO Book Fair bucks! Per Grade Overall most minutes / Teacher: Pre-K: Javin Scott/Petty; K: Tinleigh/McGuan; 1st: Danica/Linke, 2nd: Carver/Tinkum; 3rd: Sydney/Acker; 4th: Riley/Barnesv, 5th: Addyson/Young. Each receives shirt and $15 BOGO Book Fair bucks. Thank you again everyone!
Congratulations to the following students who will serve on the Middle Park High School Student Council Positions 2019; Co-President 1: Emma Belew-Ladue; Co-President 2: Henry Kacik; Recording/Corresponding Secretary: Hope Newcomer-Neeson; Treasurers: Kayla Davis (& Mason Chamberlain); Historian 1: Margellie Alvarado (& Madison Moyer); Senior Class Rep 1: Shug Reynolds; Senior Class Rep 2: Lela Meyers; Junior Class Rep 1: Mason Chamberlain; Junior Class Rep 2: Sam Ewert; Sophomore Class Rep 1: Braden Wagley; Sophomore Class Rep 2: Madison Moyer; Freshman Class Rep 1: Aly Barker; Freshman Class Rep 2: Makena Ledin; Krista Conrad (11), Mia Stuart (11), Lauren Romero (10), Noely Molina (11), Dany Castillos (11), Trustin Applehans (10),Tori Quinn (12),Emily Lantermans (11), Julia Tenney (9).
Frank Reeves is the superintendent of East Grand School District.