Jersey Boys Pizza owner arrested on new child sex assault charges

Craig Robert Sikorsky, 51, pleaded guilty to a felony charge of sexual exploitation of a child on Jan. 13, 2020.
Courtesy Summit County Sheriff’s Office

FRISCO — Craig Sikorsky, 51, was arrested Thursday on new charges of sexual assault on a child and unlawful sexual contact following an investigation by the Summit County Sheriff’s Office.

Sikorsky, who owns Jersey Boys Pizza and Deli in Dillon, pleaded guilty to an unrelated charge of sexual exploitation of a child in January stemming from an incident that occurred at his home in June. Sikorsky is facing up to 12 years in prison on that charge.

The most recent charges against Sikorsky stem from allegations of improper sexual behavior with multiple children in Summit County in the late 1990s.

After news broke on Sikorsky’s plea agreement in January, new accusers reached out to the Summit Daily News and the Fifth Judicial District Attorney’s Office with information regarding unrelated allegations of sexual misconduct. Sikorsky faces between two years and life in prison on the new charges, in addition to whatever punishment is imposed at his upcoming sentencing hearing in April.

“The District Attorney’s Office will investigate all sexual assault allegations against children, regardless of when the allegations arose, in order to give justice to every victim,” lead prosecutor Deputy District Attorney Jake Lilly said in a statement on Sikorsky’s arrest.

Sikorsky will be held at the Summit County Jail without bond until he’s advised on the new charges, likely sometime Friday.

via:: Sky-Hi News