Kremmling awaits info with chief still on leave


Kremmling officials are waiting for all of the information about the investigation and subsequent criminal charges filed against Kremmling Police Chief Jamie Lucas before taking any further action in the matter.

Town Manager Dan Stoltman said the town is expecting to get all of the discovery information from the 14th Judicial District Attorney’s Office this week.

“We will review that with our attorneys and then we will have an executive session with our attorneys,” Stoltman explained of the town’s next steps.

Lucas was charged with 12 misdemeanors and three petty offenses on Jan. 31 after an investigation into allegations that he mishandled an animal abuse case, in which three juveniles are alleged to have killed a cat on a property outside Kremmling town limits.

Based on the investigation, the DA charged Lucas with multiple counts of first degree official misconduct, second degree official misconduct and official oppression for charging the juveniles outside the proper jurisdiction.

Lucas also faces three counts of false reporting for statements he allegedly made to the Fraser Winter Park Police Department during its investigation.

The investigation began in December and the town placed Lucas on paid administrative leave Dec. 20. Stoltman said Lucas will remain on paid administrative leave until further notice.

Lucas is scheduled for court at 8:45 a.m. March 17.

via:: Sky-Hi News