Kremmling board discusses coronavirus response

At what was likely its last in-person meeting for a while, the Kremmling town board discussed several measures in response to the outbreak of the coronavirus to continue town operations safely.

First, the town board discussed adopting the COVID-19 response plan that Grand County and other towns, including Grand Lake, are using for guidelines during coronavirus.

While board members felt the current Tier 4 guidelines were reasonable actions to take at this time, the board was hesitant to adopt the response plan because of concerns about giving up the town’s autonomy.

“My local government nor does my state government nor does my federal government have the right to infringe on my rights to close my business,” said Trustee Dave Sammons. “Anything that we do this way, I will be a no vote.”

Ultimately, the board decided against voting on the response plan. The board did vote and approve two other measures in response to coronavirus.

One gives town employees an extra two weeks of paid sick leave for coronavirus-related needs and the other allows town board members to vote over the phone, which was not previously an option based on the town code.

Kremmling Town Manager Dan Stoltman noted the April town board meeting will likely be over a conference call.

via:: Sky-Hi News