Letter: Colorado Headwaters Land Trust protects natural resources

On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of the Colorado Headwaters Land Trust, I thank everyone who attended and helped put on A Grand Afternoon: Annual Fundraiser to Protect the Land We Love at the B Lazy 2 Ranch & Event Center in Fraser.

Our mission is to preserve and steward open lands within the headwaters of the Colorado River for agriculture, water, wildlife, and vistas, in partnership with landowners and for the benefit of all.

The land trust’s primary land protection tool is the conservation easement, a voluntary legal document between the landowner and the land trust that identifies a property’s conservation values, such as scenic open space, wildlife habitat, agricultural open space, and historical significance. An easement permanently protects those values by restricting development, subdivision, and other non-compatible uses of the property. In exchange, the landowner can receive payment and/or federal tax deductions and state tax credits based on the value of the easement.

The land trust currently holds 64 conservation easements in Grand County, totaling nearly 9,000 acres that can never be developed or subdivided.

It was thrilling to see so many Grand County folks come out to support us and our work as we celebrated our 24th year. This year’s event was very successful, and we look forward to continuing to preserve and protect even more of Grand County’s stunning vistas and beautiful natural resources for many, many years to come.

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped put on the event. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. I would also like to thank my board of directors and their families for their help and dedication to the land trust and this event.

We are truly grateful for being in such an outstanding, supportive community. We hope to see everyone at next year’s event!

Jeremy D. Krones, 

executive director

via:: Sky-Hi News