Letter: Fiscal conservatives should look to Hickenlooper

While the Republican Party historically claims to be fiscally conservative and criticizes the Democratic Party for its “tax and spend” liberalism, the history of the annual deficit in the United States budget shows that in fact it is the Democratic Party that are the fiscal conservatives.

The concept of paying for what you spend rather than increasing debt is the fiscally conservative approach. Under Obama, the Republican Party always railed against the deficit and spending.

Yet, under President Trump the annual deficit is projected to reach over $1 trillion this year, almost double what it was when he assumed office. Trump, Gardner, and other Republicans sold the tax scam as a way to actually reduce the deficit arguing the economy would grow so much that the additional taxes from growth would be more than enough to offset the revenue loss. But what actually happened?

The opposite. True conservatives need to vote on actions and history, not promises and lies. Sen. Gardner and the Republicans have demonstrated their lack of fiscal restraint. Let’s replace Sen. Gardner and President Trump with responsible Democrats, like Gov. Hickenlooper, who will actually act to bring down the annual deficit.

— Steven Johnson, Grand Lake

via:: Sky-Hi News