Letter: Gasoline prices in Granby are too high

As of Friday March 20, gas in Denver averaged $2.03. Colorado averaged $2.12. The U.S. averaged $2.17. The cheapest price in the Denver area is $1.55, and Granby averaged $2.54.

When Granby Ranch, Winter Park and others just announced layoffs, keeping prices this high is wrong. High gas prices also keep the cost of services higher than necessary. I know it costs more to haul it here and it’s easy to charge a high rate for tourists, but $1 per gallon over the cheapest price in the Denver area is unreasonable. Before just a few years ago, the prices were 10-20 cents over the Front Range.

I talked to the Fuel Manager for King Soopers a few months ago regarding this subject. His response was they just follow the market. I commented that City Market is the market. As the “800-pound Gorilla,” they can and do charge what they want. I noticed that Sinclair, a much small player, has lowered gas these past few weeks, but not City Market.

I understand we get fuel points for shopping at City Market, but we get the same fuel points if we buy gas at King Soopers.

If people are happy with gas prices in Granby, this is fine. Otherwise, please complain where you buy gas and say you expect a more reasonable price. Hopefully, with mass complaints we residents can get the price lowered.

— John Rankin, Granby

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