Letter: Grand County needs to lose the stigma with cannabis

We’ve been hearing a lot about decisions to deny canna-businesses the opportunity to open up here in Grand County. But why? In part, you can blame cannabis prohibitionists and big industry competitors, such as pharmaceuticals and tobacco, but what may be even more prominent is the stigma that has attached itself to cannabis and its users.

The stigma comes from decades of misinformation and demonization. Nixon’s war on drugs and the era of Reefer Madness are only two examples of a gross brainwashing of American citizens. 

It’s now 2019. In Colorado, we’ve come a long way from these dark times, but the good fight still isn’t over. I hear it all the time, “Weed makes you lazy,” “I would never do weed,” and “Weed is for losers.” But that’s not the case at all!

Most of my customers are honest, hardworking people. They’re business professionals, people of faith, chefs, lawyers, veterans, cancer survivors, medical practitioners, single mothers, musicians, senior citizens, the list could go on and on.

It’s high time to put “the lazy stoner” stereotype aside. Factual science and statistics now demonstrate the daily benefits and medicinal uses for cannabis. It’s about more than just another pot shop opening up. It should be about people having the quick access to the type of medicine or simple relief that helps them live comfortable lives. It’s not as bad as the lies you’ve been told.

I witnessed my grandmother suffer from bi-polar disorder, and a number of other crippling illnesses and medications, before she passed. I wish I had been able to get cannabis to her before she was gone forever. Just maybe, she’d still be here today. Let’s lose the stigma, and embrace change. For everyone.

— Alejandro Perez Stark, Fraser

via:: Sky-Hi News