Letter: Grand Lake Area Historical Society offers clarification

On Sept. 27 the Sky-Hi News published a letter from the Grand Lake Area Historical Society (GLAHS) that was poorly written, misleading and confusing. I am writing to clarify any misunderstanding that may have resulted.

During our periodic review of contracts with outside vendors, the Board realized that updates were necessary to bring them to current standards. This work is routine and is expected to be completed by year-end. We did not mean to imply that there was ever any hint by anyone, inside or outside our organization, that we do not faithfully, continuously and zealously use all funds entrusted to us by our donors entirely for the benefit of our historical preservation goals in the Grand Lake community.

As always, our Board meetings, held at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesdays of each month, are open to the public. Questions may be asked at these meetings, or to the Board at 970-627-8324 or historygrandlake@gmail.com.

— For the GLAHS Board, Jim Cervenka, president

via:: Sky-Hi News