Letter: Grant will help school’s Nordic team replace outdated equipment

On behalf of the Nordic skiing youth of Grand County, Grand Nordic would like to say a huge thank you to the Grand Foundation for approving this year’s grant request. The $3,000 grant will help fund the ongoing equipment upgrade efforts for the East Grand Middle School Nordic team as most of their current inventory is well over 10 years old.

The EGMS Nordic ski/race program introduces Nordic skiing, a lifelong sport that incorporates aerobic fitness with strength, to all participants, and facilitates opportunities for middle school athletes who might not otherwise have access to this amazing sport. The program offers a supportive team environment, a chance to travel to other mountain communities to compete, and builds confidence and self-esteem for all participants.

As a nonprofit organization, Grand Nordic embraces a mission to serve the Nordic community of Grand County by providing educational, recreational, social and adventure opportunities This grant will really jumpstart our efforts to make Nordic skiing a reality for every middle school athlete who wants to pursue it. Thank you!

The Grand Nordic Board, East Grand Middle School Team and Coaches

via:: Sky-Hi News