Letter: It’s time to abolish ROSH Fund

I am writing in regard to your article that appeared on Feb. 12 titled “ ROSH defends spending.” The ROSH board is ignorant of some facts that need to be made clear. The fee was not an agreement to allow the residents to become citizens of the town. It was an agreement between the developer and the town to allow her to develop the property.

The county was originally approached, and they turned down the proposed development. The ROSH board refers to expenses that would affect the town, yet doesn’t elucidate on these expenses.

On the contrary, Granby Ranch property owners pay 113.938 mills in real estate taxes. This includes all of the same mill levies that other town citizens pay, including Colorado River Water, East Grand School, Town of Granby, Grand County, Grand Fire Protection, Middle Park Water Conservancy, Grand County Library, and Middle Park Soil Conservation.

In addition, there are 60 mills of Granby Ranch Metro District. Granby Ranch residents pay water bills that are $1,435 per year, fixed rate not based upon consumption. Granby Ranch residents pay for their own snow removal and road repair, not the town. 

Less than 1% of the children enrolled in East Grand School District reside within Granby Ranch. In addition, its residents pay HOA dues, in some instances belonging to three HOAs. 

So, the ROSH board really doesn’t know what they are talking about. The residents of Granby Ranch are more than paying their fair share. In fact, they are a “net revenue” benefit to the town given the self-sufficiency and the lower demand on resources. 

If the ROSH board feel like Granby Ranch needs to pay up to be “citizens of the town,” then I would argue that we should consider de-annexation. Or, if they want all town citizens to be pari passu then the 1% transfer fee should be levied against all property owners in Granby. Personally, I am not asking for that. I am asking for the ROSH Fund to be abolished. 

— Glenn O’Flaherty, Granby

via:: Sky-Hi News