Library Corner: It’s scary story time

This year, the Grand County Library District had 84 amazing stories entered into the annual Hot Sulphur Springs and Kremmling Scary Story Contests. Thank you to all who wrote a story. Here are a few of the winners:

First Place: First Grade

“Werewolf” by William Rizzuto

I went outside and I saw the full moon. I turned into a werewolf. People started to shoot me so I ran away. I was running to the forest. I ate some sheep and howled at the moon. The end.

Hot Sulphur Springs: Third Grade

“The Little Pony” by Sego Krempin

On a dark starry night, there was a little pony under a tree. The thunder boomed and the lightning struck and the pony was gone. I waited and waited and there was three men running to a car and they were gone. Then I heard a sound and then the sound was gone. Then the thunder rolled, the lightning struck and I was unconscious, next thing I knew I was far away from my house and my friend that was kidnapped 4 years ago was there. The pony was there too. I was scared I didn’t know how I was going to get home, I picked up a rock and wished to home, I was in my bed and from that day on, anybody was bothered again on Halloween Day.

the End

First Place: Fourth Grade — “The Wicked Curse” by Cora Osborne

Finally, it was Halloween eve. I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow! I was going to be a witch. It was even better because I was trick-or-treating with Mia and Kia, my two best friends.

“Cara,” my mom called out to me. “We’re going to the thrift shop.”

“Hey mom can I get that book?” I asked.

“Why do you want that book?” my mom called out to me.

“For my costume. Duh,” I replied.

“Sure,” she called back at me.

Finally, we got home. Me and my brother decided to get some fresh air in the corn fields. I looked around and the crows were eating off the corn cobs. I threw a rock at them and they still wouldn’t go away. I kept throwing rocks at them. First one, then two, then three, then four, then five. Finally, they flew away but I was still worried they would come back. I got really bored so I went inside and asked my mom if Mia and Kia could come over and she said “yes!”

We ran out and right away I saw those pesky crows eating the cobs! I ran around chasing them until they flew far where I could not see them and that’s when my friends and I decided to make a scarecrow. We ran inside right away and got to stitching and stuffing. We thought it looked a little too scary but we knew that would keep them away.

“Hey guys, I got this new book. We should totally check it out!” I hollered.

We saw a page with the title Dead Man. We all thought we should go play dead man since we haven’t played it for a long time. We brought the book because we forgot the words. We ran to the trampoline. Kia was the first dead man. Me and Mia sang the song.

Later on that aflernoon we went for a walk and we saw a dozen dead people walking around as we passed the graveyard. Suddenly, they all started running after us. We looked at the author’s signature inside the book. The author was Karla De El Muago. She was a wicked person and got arrested over 40 times! This book was made in 1981 the last year she went to jail and the last time she would ever see the sun’s light. She wrote this book when she was in jail so she could avenge herself. We kept casting spells until we were out. We looked at the last page and it told us about how to uncast a spell if it got out of control. We did exactly what it said and POOF! It was all gone. The day we went back to school our teacher asked us what we did and we said nothing.

First Place: Middle School

“Bloody Mary” by Wendy Eller

Mary staggered along the dreary street. She drug her feet across the wet sidewalk, trying to stay awake. She continued like this for several blocks, until her legs began to fail her. She went down onto her knees before resting her face on the cold concrete. She fell into a dreamless sleep. Mary woke up to a woman with golden hair shaking her shoulders.

“Oh my goodness! Are you alright?” the kind lady asked.

“Y…,” Mary yawned.

“Yeah I’m okay,” she continued with a shaking voice.

Lachell spotted her numb, red fingers. “Golly! How long have you been out here?” she exclaimed. “Come inside with me.”

She dragged Mary inside to her child, Sharon, who was just finishing their breakfast.

“Who’s that?” asked Sharon, a teen with bright blue hair

“I don’t know. I found her out on the pavement; I think she was out there all night.” Lachell responded absently running her fingers through Mary’s Matted hair.

Sharon chimed in, “Well, I’m Sharon, and that’s my mother, Lachell. What’s your name?” she asked.

Mary’s eyes danced around the room. She shouldn’t around such a nice family, she thought.

“Oh, umm, I’m Mary,” she stuttered. She hesitantly shifted her gaze upward toward Sharon. She caught a glimpse of an all to familiar dark figure in Sharon’s glasses.

“Mary, honey will you wash your hands? You ought to have a hot meal before we find your parents,” Lachell said warmly. “The nathroom ‘s this way.”

Mary stumbled towards the bathroom with her head hung low. As Mary left the room Sharon nudged her mother and whispered, “I thought I just saw her eyes turn black. I hope she’s okay.”

“It’s probably nothing,” her mother replied.

Mary looked down at her toes and fumbled for the facet, when she heard a chilly voice.

“Look up,” it said.

“No,” Mary murmured as her stomach clenched. She squeezed her eyes shut.

A bony hand reached it’s way through the mirror and planted itself on Mary’s frail chin. She wanted to pull away, but it was like she was paralyzed. The creature lifted her head. “Open your eyes,” it rasped.

Mary tried to resist, but she felt her eyes open anyway. She saw a tall humanoid creature looming mostly on the other side of the mirror. It unnaturally hunched over mid hack at one of the vertebrae of its nearly exposes spine. The sockets where its eyes should’ve been stared directly at her, and its mouth gaped open revealing its many teeth. A black blood-like substance ran down its horrific face. Her vision started to get blurry and she screeched as excruciating pain filled her entire body. Then it all went numb.

Sharon heard Mary’s scream reverberate from the bathroom.

“Many?” she asked.

When she heard no response, she opened the door to find Mary with her white hair draping over her face and her newly blackened eyes looking up at her.

Mary felt her hand reach out, but she couldn’t control it. She grasped Sharon’s neck and began to raise her into the air. Lachell, terrified, grabbed a nearby vase and thrust it into Mary’s forehead. Black blood streamed down her face. Mary staggered backwards and rammed into the mirror. Instead of bouncing off, she began to fall into the dark depths of it.

That’s when Mary woke up on the pavement. Her head throbbed; she must have hit it when she passed out. She reached her hand up and touched her wound. Her fingers had a black substance on them. She began to hear voices saying bloody Mary, bloody Mary. She turned around only to see a mirror.

Thanks to everyone that helped out with the Scary Story Contest this year — teachers Ms. Paulson, Mrs. Kaeding, Ms. White, Ms. Birdsall, Ms. Siderfin, Ms. Glines, and Mr. Mericle; judges Ben Mathis, Lillyana Wutz, and Leslie Crosby; and volunteers Lillyana Wutz, Bill and Marcia Honer, and Holly Sheppard.

via:: Sky-Hi News