Library CornerDoes your weekend look, feel like this?

Ewan Gallagher visits the Denver Museum of Nature and Science thanks to Access Grand, GCLD’s resource that provides free tickets to cultural and recreational experiences throughout Colorado.
Courtesy GCLD

The clock ticks. Looking for matching gloves. Looking. Looking. Found them! One isn’t dry yet. New pair. Zip up the bibs. Put on the helmet. Grab cell phone.

My phone didn’t get charged last night. Must make sure to plug it in. Load everything and everyone into the car. And we’re off.

Make sure everyone is dropped off at the right spot and has all their equipment. Phew! Head back home but wouldn’t it be nice for just a moment or two of peace? Instead of heading home, I head to the Fraser Valley Library to sit down in a comfy chair, let the sun warm me all the way through, and absentmindedly flip through a few magazines.

Deep breath. On my way out, my phone vibrates, and I remember. Donate to Grand County Library Foundation for Colorado Gives Day as a thanks for a bit of calm in an otherwise hectic day.

Grrrrr … I forgot when I purchased the Nutcracker tickets for a Sunday matinee what the ski traffic is like on Sundays. Our 1.5 hour drive down to Denver just turned into 2.5 hours.

No worries. Click onto Libby. Download “Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception” eAudiobook so everybody can listen to a G-rated adventure story. Check my holds — “Where the Crawdads Sing” is getting closer. While I have my phone open, I may as well go to and make my donation to Grand County Library Foundation, so I don’t forget later.

Cup of coffee in hand, chair moved to the window and feeling the sun stream over me. Just a week ago the house was full of friends and family here to enjoy Thanksgiving, the mountains, and time together.

GCLD’s Access Grand was greatly appreciated for the passes to Snow Mountain Ranch and a visit to Cozens Ranch Museum. I better make sure my donation to Grand County Library Foundation is scheduled now for Colorado Gives Day on Dec. 10.

The list could go on, couldn’t it? Perhaps it is the tech support you received for a project using Excel. Or it is Storytime, your main social outing for the week. Maybe it is the cyber-security class that helped you make your data more protected. No, wait! It is the safe place you have your children go to after school.

For some, it is where you wait for the delivery of the stack of books for this week’s reading. It could be the place you go for discussion on foreign policy or a talk about a great book. Perhaps it is simply that Grand County Library District is one of the reasons that Grand County is home.

Whatever the reason, consider Grand County Library Foundation when you donate on Colorado Gives Day on Dec. 10. The Grand County Library Foundation is committed to sustaining our libraries for the future by enhancing the financial health of Grand County Library District.

Presented by Community First Foundation and FirstBank, Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy through online giving. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of an incentive fund, which increases the value of every dollar donated. Grand County Library Foundation is also a proud member of Grand County Gives, a coalition of more than 20 nonprofits working together to raise awareness for the many amazing nonprofits in Grand County.

Schedule your donation at

via:: Sky-Hi News