Local artist to unveil life-size Kerouac statue in Fraser

A miniature version of local artist Howard Neville’s Jack Kerouac statue already sits at the Fraser Valley Distillery, where Neville will unveil the final, life-size statue.

Local artist Howard Neville will unveil and celebrate his newest work, a life-size bronze statue of literary icon Jack Kerouac, Wednesday evening in Fraser.

Neville, who owns Neville Studios in Grand Lake, will speak about his art and Kerouac at the Fraser Valley Distillery after unveiling his statue at 6 p.m. June 19. Light snacks will be provided and the bar will be open for patrons.

Neville has also made a limited number of miniature Kerouac statues that are available for purchase.

Unveiling Kerouac in Fraser is fitting, as just down Highway 40 another of Neville’s works, a bronze statue of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is featured in the Lions Ponds Park area.

Neville also created a life-size bronze statue of Glenn Miller, an illustrious big band musician who disappeared during World War II, which is located in Clarinda, Iowa.

Kerouac is best known for his novel “On the Road,” which is based on his travels around the country, and is considered a defining author of the Beat generation.

via:: Sky-Hi News