Local government meetings go online during outbreak

The Grand Lake Board of Trustees passed a measure on Monday during an emergency meeting that allows town meetings to be conducted online during the coronavirus outbreak.
Eli Pace / epace@skyhinews.com

Local governments are doing their best to support residents by providing digital platforms to safely continue their work during the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a quick run down about how to participate in government meetings while maintaining social distancing practices. All methods are subject to change.

• Grand County: The Grand County Board of Commissioners streams public meetings on their website. Go to http://www.co.grand.co.us/725/Media-Archive during a scheduled meeting and click “audio” next to the desired date to listen in. Contact the county clerk if you would like to make a public comment during the meeting.

• Granby: Participants can listen to town meetings by calling the phone number listed on the town’s website and Facebook page. For now, the public is also able to still attend meetings in person though they will have to remain 6 feet away from others.

• Grand Lake approved an emergency measure allowing board of trustee meetings to be conducted online. The town clerk said they are still working to install a system that allows town officials to meet digitally and citizens to offer comments. The town will release details about how to participate once that’s been finalized.

Additionally, Grand Lake is strongly encouraging registered voters to consider an absentee ballot for the April 7 election to minimize any public risk of exposure to the virus. If you would like to apply for an absentee ballot, go to http://www.townofgrandlake.com and print off the absentee ballot from either the homepage under “News” or from the quick link on the homepage under “Elections.”

Voters should return the application as soon as possible to Town Clerk Jennifer Thompson via email at glclerk@townofgrandlake.com or mail to Town of Grand Lake, Attn: Jennifer Thompson, PO Box 99, Grand Lake, CO 80447. For election questions, email glclerk@townofgrandlake.com. For general questions, email town@townofgrandlake.com

• Fraser: Those interested in virtually attending Fraser’s town meetings can do so via a remote conference line. The phone number and access code will be listed at the top of the town meeting agenda.

• Winter Park: Winter Park is also hosting its meeting via a remote conference line. Those interested in listening or giving public comment can contact Town Clerk Danielle Jardee at 970-726-8081 ext. 208 to get a conference call-in number and passcode.

• Kremmling: Kremmling plans to host its April meeting via a conference call, but has not yet set up the system. The town will also live-stream meetings to its Facebook page.

via:: Sky-Hi News