Masked men burglarize Aspen jewelry store, take $60k in watches

Two masked men pried open the door of an Aspen jewelry store early Wednesday morning and stole $60,000 worth of watches, police said Thursday.

The burglary at Meridian Jewelers, 525 E. Cooper Ave., occurred at approximately 5 a.m., about 15 minutes after the same two men unsuccessfully attempted to pry open the door to Louis Vuitton, located at 205 S. Mill St., according to a news release from the Aspen Police Department.

The men wore all-black clothing, including black facemasks, according to pictures provided by APD. The suspects drove a late model black SUV, though surveillance video did not pick up a license plate number, Aspen Police Sgt. Rick Magnuson said Thursday.

The men used some kind of a pry bar at both businesses. Meridian’s alarm went off after the men broke in, but they were only inside for a brief period before fleeing with 12 watches valued at $60,190, Magnuson said.

APD had no leads or suspects as of Thursday afternoon, he said.

via:: Sky-Hi News