Middle Park Health welcomes donations of personal protective equipment

It’s not a supplies drive, per se, but Middle Park Health is happy to take any donations of a few key items for the county’s coronavirus response.

On Monday, Director of Community Relations Tiffany Freitag said Middle Park Health is accepting clean donations of eye protections, such as goggles and face shields, along with surgical masks, N95 masks, gloves and disposable gowns.

As the number of people with the novel coronavirus grows, so too does attention on the nation’s health care providers, who will be critical to combat the virus.

The personal protective equipment they wear not only helps stop the virus’ spread by blocking out particles in the air, it helps keep health care providers from getting sidelined by sickness at a time they’re needed the most.

“We are not out of anything, but there are a couple things where we are closely monitoring our stock,” Freitag said of Middle Park Health’s supplies.

U.S. President Donald Trump took steps last week to allow the federal government to start producing personal protective gear to slow the spread of the coronavirus. However, Trump also told the states they shouldn’t wait on the federal government and need to start securing their own medical equipment and supplies.

In Colorado, Gov. Jared Polis has mandated postponing all elective medical procedures, including dental work, to conserve personal protective equipment and free up the state’s health care providers. In response to fears the supply of personal protective equipment could run out in Colorado, some people across the state have started donation drives, including one last weekend in Denver.

And donations are coming in from all kinds of places.

Most of the time, N95 masks are fairly common at places like hardware stores, as those masks are often used by people like carpenters to ward off sawdust. In some cases, people are finding old boxes of never used face masks in their garages while others simply have rubber gloves they don’t need.

In fact, Middle Park Health recently secured 80 pairs of safety goggles from the West Grand science classes.

“That donation was so gracious,” Freitag said of the school’s gift. “We are so thankful to receive that. We have (the goggles) in all of our locations right now, and we are well protected.”

Donations of clean personal protective equipment are being accepted by Middle Park Health at the Winter Park clinic at Cooper Creek Square and the clinics at the Granby and Kremmling hospitals.

Donors should avoid the emergency room entrance and drop off donations at the clinic entrances, as this will keep the ER clear for emergency traffic and community member’s safety.

Anyone with questions should call the clinic or Middle Park Health before making a donation.

via:: Sky-Hi News