Middle school play coming next week

A group of the sharp shooters who received awards for the highest shooting scores in archery at GES pose for a photo.
Courtesy EGSD

Great Happenings in East Grand Schools the week of March 13.

• On March 7, two middle school brain bowl teams qualified to compete in the state meet. They needed to place in the top six in the regional meet to qualify. The seventh grade team of Jackie Martinski, Nathan Chua, Mica Lakai, and Eli Boomer placed sixth at regionals, and placed 10th at state. The sixth grade team of Sydney Solomon, Ryan Faulkner, Weston Foley, Trek Wagley, Dylan Martinski, and Graham Kauffman placed first in regionals, and 15th in the state meet. Because the sixth graders won their regional meet, they have qualified to compete in the national brain bowl competition this June. We are very proud of both of these teams for their outstanding accomplishments.

• Many GES families attended the fifth annual Bingo for Books night on March 5.

Bingo for Books is a fun community event that promotes literacy and provides students with free books. Congratulations to Elden and Micah who won a Kindle Fire.

• Next week is the fifth grade musical, “Getting Down With Mamma Goose: Nursery Rhymes for Modern Times.” Come see us at 5:30 p.m. March 19 in the GES gym.

• FVE third graders are conducting their annual Wax Museum this Thursday. This project began over a month ago, when each student chose a person to research. Each student read a biography or autobiography and took research notes. Then students prepared a presentation of their chosen person for their class. Now, as a culminating project, each student will become a wax figure to share what they have learned with parents and other classes. These students have worked hard and are looking forward to sharing their learning with others.

• MPHS programming students are looking for any extra Legos you might have and do not want returned. They are building and programming small robots that can be expanded with legos. Drop off at the high school during school hours or email carrieann.mathis@egsd.org.

• Mrs. Acker’s third grade class won the Box Top contest organized by Heather Montandon of the Granby Elementary School VIPs. They enjoyed a pizza party sponsored by Pearl Dragon. A big “thank you” to Pearl Dragon, all the VIPs that helped count all the Box Tops and to all the families that sent in Box Tops.

• In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, GES first graders celebrated in many ways. Students participated in pajama day and brought a stuffed animal to cuddle up with and read. We practiced rhyming, reading, and learning about Dr. Seuss. The week ended with a challenge connected to Ten Apples on Top. Pairs of students were given a bag of many different blocks. The challenge was to build the tallest tower that would hold an apple. After measuring, testing the towers for strength, and recording the data, teams of students were challenged to rebuild the tower, increase the height and still hold an apple. This challenge required students to predict, communicate, problem solve, and use metacognition (thinking about your thinking). Here are a few of the results: In Mrs. Linke’s class, a tower went from 4 to 15.5 inches and both towers held the apple. In Mrs. Green’s class, a tower went from 16.5 to 16 inches and both towers held the apple. In Mrs. Good’s class, a tower went from 3 to 10 inches and both towers held the apple. Students realized that with practice their skills improved.

• Students are poised for a 7 p.m. March 19 performance at EGMS. Drama kids dedicate themselves to rehearsals every Monday and Wednesday, with additional Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals for the last two weeks. In the spirit of EGMS, students also share their time learning skills in other clubs like wrestling, basketball and fly fishing. Drama Club Sponsor, Lindsey Hand, must be flexible, running scenes dependent upon who is in attendance. Students received their scripts in mid-December and have been working to make magic ever since. During club, students run lines and practice blocking (where/when actors move). Hand works with individual scenes, meaning this cast of largely sixth graders support each other with a degree of independence.

Middle schoolers are excited to show their hard work in Colorado; our state is home to thousands of orphan train descendants.

• Ted Fisher, co-owner and cook of Sharky’s in Fraser, stopped into MPHS Catering 2 CTE classes to provide demonstrations on the basics of cooking short order eggs. Students were able to taste the various eggs made and took notes on the presentation.

via:: Sky-Hi News