Opinion | Letter: Bill Hamilton’s poorly disguised prejudice

Your recent opinion article published May 8, 2019 by William Hamilton contained language and repeated innuendo asserting anti-immigrant rhetoric and mysterious, as well as unfounded, ideas about vaccines and personal freedom. This is exactly the sort of poorly disguised prejudice that slips into a community’s culture so covertly.

This type of commentary is frightening on a number of levels; from the “Because of our DNA we are not created equal” to the strange messaging regarding personal choice and immunization. Closing remarks in the article would indicate that Mr. Hamilton considers vaccinating the “hoards” of migrants at our border without their consent an acceptable alternative.

Aside from the ethically devoid idea in and of itself, the discourse here hints heavily that these migrants are not capable or worthy of making decisions regarding their health and bodies. This is a shameful implication.

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Dr. Martin Luther King’s most famous quote, one that brings me chills and hope every time that I read it, seems fitting here.

May you take this into your heart Bill. May we all be reminded, on what feels like a particularly sad week, to look with empathy at the families and disenfranchised persons at our border, instead of waxing on about our white privilege and the standoff between personal choice and freedoms.

—Tasha Amick-Sullivan, Tabernash

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Send your letters to the editor to Sky-Hi News editor Bryce Martin at bmartin@skyhinews.com. Please ensure they are 400 words or less and contain your first and last name and town of residence. Letters without this information will not be published.

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