Opinion | Letter: Not on my watch, Bill Hamilton

I was going to say that the latest opinion column from Bill Hamilton contains some disturbing thinly veiled racism, but on second thought, I’m going to go with: It’s just plain racist.

You seem to feel readers don’t understand that “same” and “equal” are two different concepts, and that people aren’t all going to be the same. Liberals don’t aspire to sameness, and that’s not what political correctness means. Liberal thinkers aspire to equity. We believe that we all have equal value. Political correctness means if someone asks you to value you them equally, to avoid using terms of speech that have historically been used to marginalize, shame, dehumanize and demean them, then kindly stop. In simpler terms, it means: Be a decent human being. When it comes to sneering at someone’s request for decency and equity, don’t be That Guy.

It means not referencing the “Hoards” (I think you meant hordes, but it’s true, this administration is stockpiling them like chattel) of presumably unvaccinated migrants in a what is semantically a giant racist dog whistle. How nice you could ponder the silver lining of these human beings’ utter despair by wondering if we might vaccinate them while holding them indefinitely and taking their children. “Sometimes,” you wrote, “Crisis and Opportunity are two sides of the same coin. Should we take this Opportunity to vaccinate migrants who have not been vaccinated? We report. You decide.” 

I’ve decided. You’re That Guy.

—Cara McDonald, Tabernash

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Send your letters to the editor to Sky-Hi News editor Bryce Martin at bmartin@skyhinews.com. Please ensure they are 400 words or less and contain your first and last name and town of residence. Letters without this information will not be published.

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