Editor’s note: This is the first installment of a two-part series.
Every exercise program needs an in-home supplement for those times when you either cannot make it to the fitness studio, or perform your outdoor exercise program. For those of you with large enough spaces in your home, if you have the financial capability, you may want to create an in-home fitness studio complete with cardiovascular equipment, selectorized, and plate loaded exercise equipment as well as small equipment such as free weights. Prior to purchasing this equipment, seek out the guidance/advice of a fitness professional or exercise equipment expert.
However, if you either do not have the space for heavy equipment or you have the space but do not have the financial capability to purchase the heavy equipment, then you may want to consider some of the following suggestions for purchasing practical/economical exercise equipment. First, equipment purchase guidelines will be highlighted and then this two-part series will be completed with the specific exercise equipment purchase suggestions. As always, consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
Exercise equipment purchase guidelines
Determine what your budget will be for exercise equipment purchases.
Ascertain what your spatial limitations are by taking measurements of the specified space and whether or not furniture will have to be moved for safe and effective use. *You need to know the footprint of the equipment you intend to purchase and this includes the space to safely operate around the equipment.
Make certain you have a safe and accessible location designated for equipment storage particularly if you have small children or pets. In general, exercise equipment is designed for adult use unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. And, even then, adult supervision is always essential.
Make wise choices and avoid media hype. There is no one piece of equipment, program or class that does it all, so realize that a variety of equipment will serve you best.
Choose equipment that comes with an e-book complete with photos or video to ensure safe and effective use.
Avoid purchasing the least expensive just because it is the least expensive. In general, you get what you pay for and inexpensively manufactured equipment may not last or may be unsafe to use.
Purchase what you will use frequently.
Understand what the equipment can and cannot do. You cannot spot reduce. So purchasing a piece of equipment, designed to work your abdominals and core, will not eliminate fat specifically from that area of the body. It may strengthen the underlying muscle, which is good, but until you lose the fat, through effective cardiovascular endurance exercise, muscular strength training and a proper eating regimen, you may not “see” the underlying muscle.
Additionally, how we lose fat is often genetically predetermined. And, not everyone possesses the genetic predisposition to sport a visible six-pack of abdominals. Even when an individual is very lean and fit, their “six-pack” may not be visible.
Avoid purchasing any equipment which guarantees that you will see results in unrealistically short periods of time, such as a few days. Generally, if this was possible, most of us would purchase that equipment and be fit and thin. Use your common sense when making any equipment purchases.
Next week, practical and economical exercise equipment will be featured that you may purchase for your in-home use.
Jackie Wright is the owner/manager of Mountain Life Fitness, LLC located in Granby. She may be reached at her website at http://www.mtnlifefitness.com or email at jackie@mtnlifefitness.com.