RMC offers coyote class

Rocky Mountain Conservancy is offering a day-long class about coyotes in March.
Lee Kline / Courtesy RMC

Visitors will have a chance to learn all about the coyote from the Rocky Mountain Conservancy Field Institute next month.

“Coyotes: The Song Dogs of the West” is a full day course offered by the institute 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on March 21. Participants will visit meadows within Rocky Mountain National Park while learning about the natural and cultural history of the coyote, as well as their anatomy, biology and social interactions.

The field class’s short walks will be on mostly even terrain to observe coyote habitat. The course is taught by instructor Jared Gricoskie.

“Coyotes are some of the country’s most successful and resourceful predators,” Gricoskie said. “Often misunderstood and maligned, coyotes have a profound impact on our everyday life.”

The class will explore the history of the country’s second large canine, Native American stories, its discovery by Lewis and Clark and the coyote’s expansion to the East. Looking at the animal’s anatomy and biology, participants will examine why it’s one of the most common predators in the United States.

For more, call 970-586-3262 or register online at http://www.rmconservancy.org. Advance registration is required.

via:: Sky-Hi News