Six myths about the coronavirus

Here are six myths about the new coronavirus, or COVID-19, that are circulating in conversations and online and should be dispelled.

• Myth 1: Saline, garlic and sesame oil can prevent the coronavirus. There is no evidence these products can ward off coronavirus and there is no known preventive treatment for COVID-19 and no vaccine is currently available.

Right now, the best methods of prevention are to avoid close contact with sick individuals, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, clean and disinfect hard surfaces, and limit touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Myth 2: Spraying your body with alcohol or chlorine, or swallowing bleach, can kill the new coronavirus. Another myth that’s been gaining traction is that dousing oneself in alcohol or chlorine can kill the new coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization, while there is evidence chemical disinfectants can kill coronavirus on surfaces, the products will not ward off the virus when used on human skin. Plus, using those chemicals on your skin can be harmful.

Myth 3: The new coronavirus is man-made. CDC states that coronavirus can be traced back to bats, and many of the first patients in Wuhan, China, had a link to a large seafood and live animal market. However, researchers have yet to identify the exact animal that led to the first human case. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.

Myth 4: Pets can become infected and spread the coronavirus. While researchers believe COVID-19 originated in animals, animals are not intimately associated with the spread of this disease. Pet cats and dogs cannot pass the new coronavirus on to humans, but they can test positive for low levels of the pathogen if they catch it from their owners. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the World Organisation for Animal Health have issued advisories saying there is no evidence that companion animals can spread the virus.

However, both CDC and WHO caution that you should continue to wash your hands after contact with pets or animals to prevent the general spread of bacteria. CDC also notes that, if you are infected with coronavirus, you should avoid contact with pets as you would other humans, as an extra precaution.

Myth 5: The new coronavirus is ‘the most dangerous virus’ and ‘a death sentence’. Experts don’t yet have a clear picture of how deadly COVID-19 is compared with other viruses. That said, research suggests the global mortality rate for COVID-19 is around 3.4%, which makes the virus a more severe illness than the flu, but it doesn’t spread as efficiently.

Myth 6: Coronavirus can spread from products, letters or packages from China. People receiving packages from China or purchasing products from China are not at risk of contracting the new coronavirus. From previous analysis, experts know coronaviruses do not survive long on objects, such as letters or packages.

Also, Centura Health has created a website with links to resources and more information about COVID-19 at

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Around 8 p.m. Thursday, Grand County Public Health released a notice that a patient suspected of carrying the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) had been transported from the county to the Front Range.

via:: Sky-Hi News