Courtesy / Fraser Valley Elementary
Each year, third-grade students at Fraser Valley Elementary get to dress up and portray notable people to create sort of “wax museum.”
The school library brings in a much richer selection of books to allow the students to read about and “become” the characters that interest them. This fun living biography project is all about promoting literacy and learning.
The Bessie Minor Swift Foundation, formed by the owners and founder of Swift Communications, the parent company of Sky-Hi News, awarded the project $1,050 this year as part of a round of grants issued annually by the foundation.
Grants are awarded to programs that promote literacy, reading and writing skills, as well as those that focus on languages, sciences and interdisciplinary areas. Since 2008, more than $620,000 has been awarded to deserving organizations in the communities where Swift Communications conducts business.
More than 185 applications were received by the Feb. 15 deadline.
This year, applications were of exceptional quality and more than $83,156 was awarded to 37 deserving organizations.
Applications will be accepted again starting Jan. 1, 2020 with a deadline of Feb. 15, 2020. For more information, visit the Bessie Minor website at http://www.bessieminorswift.org.