Thrift store offers free goods in Grand Lake

Mary Brennan and Stan Bernal are giving away all of their thrift goods at Manna Thrift and Antique.
Amy Golden /

A local thrift story is giving back during these uncertain times.

Spouses Mary Brennan and Stan Bernal own Manna Thrift and Antique, a shop in Grand Lake. Bernal has been in the thrift business since 1990 and in Grand County for even longer, while this is Brennan’s second thrift store.

The couple had been planning to close down the thrift shop and retire on May 1, but the coronavirus outbreak made them rethink that plan. The two decided to do what they could and that meant giving away their thrift items.

“You know what? It’s time to give back,” Bernal said of the decision.

On Friday and Saturday, anyone can come and take anything from their thrift side of the shop at no charge. The couple encouraged folks to resell items if they couldn’t personally use them.

“One of the first guys was actually laid off,” Bernal said. “He came in, picked up some stuff and is going to sell it. More power to him. Go make the dollar. You got to do what you got to do, you know?”

On Friday, the store — full of clothing, trinkets, music and more — saw a constant trickle of people who were interested in both the free thrifting and discounted antiques, which are on sale for 50% off.

As longtime members of the community, the two greeted familiar faces and chatted with everyone who came through. Bernal was happy to be supporting the county.

“The community has given to us for many years,” he said. “The community has been awesome not just supporting us, but also with just a lot of the things they’ve given us.”

The shop will be open for the last time from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and everything on the thrift side will be free. The couple hopes the word continues to spread and that anyone needs a little extra help makes it to the store.

“Our shop is named Manna for a reason,” Brennan said. “We’ve been given so much. It’s time to give back.”

via:: Sky-Hi News