There exist in the Three Lakes region of Grand County majestic birds of prey that use the area strictly as a place to have and raise a family. The public can now, thanks to a technologically savvy Grand Lake resident, witness the daily life of these spectacular and sizeable raptors.
Ospreys have made their homes on many platforms around the Three Lakes, but it was Kent Roorda whose admiration of the creatures led him to set up a high-definition live camera to capture the birds’ most intimate moments that the public rarely sees.
The birds currently have three eggs waiting to hatch. And the live camera, which is being hosted on the Sky-Hi News website, will broadcast every moment.
“I created a nest near my home a few years ago following guidelines set forth by the U.S. Forest Service,” Roorda explained. “Since then, I’ve learned an incredible amount about the birds.”
There are two ospreys, a male and female, who occupy the nest, stationed on a platform constructed by Roorda at his home near Grand Lake. He has not named them, as he wants to ensure they are viewed as wild animals and not as pets, but a unique marking on the backs of their heads can positively identify each bird.
“It is by those markings that we know the same pair returns each year,” Roorda said.
Ospreys are a large bird classified with an average wingspan of between 59 to 70 inches. They can travel at speeds up to nearly 31 mph, and rarely walk on the ground. They are monogamous for life once they’ve found a mate.
Thenests wouldn’t exist without the help of Mountain Parks Electric and the U.S. Forest Service, Roorda explained. Those efforts prevent the birds from building their nests on top of utility poles, which could electrocute the birds and potentially cause power outages.
“The effort to build and relocate nests has been a huge success,” Roorda exclaimed.
Building and installing an osprey nest platform is not something just anyone should, or could, accomplish because of the many legal and other considerations, he said. But Roorda, a volunteer with the forest service,
Roorda has noticed over the years of watching the ospreys how dedicated the particular parents are to their chicks.
“Watching these osprey pairs hatch and raise their families offers lessons in tenacity and the will to survive,” Roorda explained. “From the time the parents mate to the time the male teaches the fledglings to fish, the parents do everything possible to ensure the family’s survival.”
In previous years, Roorda has watched as more than a foot of spring snow fell on top of the female but she continued on to faithfully incubate her eggs, supported by the male who brought fish to her and the hungry chicks.
“I’ve also noted that, whenever any egg hatches, the dedicated male is present and shows incredible curiosity and pride as each chick emerges,” he said. “I hope you’ll enjoy watching our ospreys raise their families and prosper in our environment.”
The three eggs were expected to begin hatching around June 1, so they are quite overdue.
You can watch every moment live at http://www.skyhinews.com/grand-lake-osprey-camera.