Winter Park Resort shuts down uphill access after seeing large crowds in the mountains

Following in the footsteps of Loveland Ski Resort, Winter Park Resort will close uphill access on March 25.

When the resort originally closed for the coronavirus on March 15, skiers and snowboarders still had access to the mountain if they were willing to skin uphill before coming down. Since then, resort has decided to end uphill access because of concerns about overcrowding.

“This is to help further support social distancing guidelines and conserve necessary medical resources for our small community,” the resort wrote on its Facebook page.

The move comes after Loveland Ski Resort closed uphill access on Monday following a viral video of Loveland Pass crowded with cars and people. In closing uphill access, Loveland cited Gov. Jared Polis’ executive order that prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people. 

Other ski areas and resorts that have closed uphill access include Arapahoe Basin, Breckenridge, Keystone and Copper Mountain.

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via:: Sky-Hi News