Lance Maggart / Sky-Hi News
Williams Fork: Surface temperature is 46 degrees, warming to 47 by end of the day. Water capacity is at 79%. With the delayed run off, water clarity is still excellent.
Ramp hours are 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Trollers are picking up Lake Trout from just under surface down to 30 feet. Bottom jigging in 30 to 70 feet of water with rubber grubs tipped with sucker meat is producing limits, as is moving around looking for suspended/swimming fish and dropping down to them.
Lake Trout are scattered, paying close attention to your electronics and patience is the key. Rainbows are hitting small spinners and spoons in the inlet. Shore fishermen bottom fishing for Rainbows with worms or Power Bait are catching fish lake wide. Kokanee Salmon and Northern Pike are slow.
Grand Lake and Lake Granby: Water temperatures are at 47 degree. Casting lures to the shorelines early and late in the day can produce excellent brown trout fishing.
Worms and power bait around the inlets has been excellent for rainbows. Lake trout have been caught in 4 feet to 100 feet of water. Casting lures shallow has been very good. Jigging and trolling has also been very productive.
The Fishing with Bernie team has been guiding in Grand county for over 25 years. For more info please check out http://www.fishingwithbernie.com , https://www.facebook.com/FishingWithBernie/ or our Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/fishing_with_bernie.