Easton Corbin Honors Veterans Through Shelter Animal Rescue

Easton Corbin is throwing his support to military veterans and shelter dogs through Companions for Heroes. The charitable organization saves, trains and provides companion animals from shelters to bring comfort to active duty military personnel, military veterans, first responders, military spouses and children, and Gold Star Families.

This year Corbin donated $1 of every ticket sold at his concerts to go to Companions for Heroes. With a thoughtful new single called “Raising Humans,” Corbin chatted with CMT.com about his admiration for veterans, his love for dogs, and the creative way he’s honoring his fans.

Embedded from www.youtube.com.

CMT: You have been active with Armed Forces organizations for years. What is it about Companions for Heroes that compelled you to help?

Easton Corbin: I really believe that we should give to those who give so much to us. Our veterans and active duty military put everything on the line for us and I want to give back in any way possible. Companions for Heroes is great because it helps not only veterans but also service dogs. It really is saving two lives and that is so powerful.

Many would agree that having dogs around makes life better. Why do you think that is?

I think dogs are the only creatures who love us unconditionally at all times. That kind of love makes everything better. They know when you are sad or happy and the react to you in ways they think help. They are so selfless and they just want to be around us. They definitely make everything better!

“Raising Humans” is a powerful single. What grabbed you about that song when you heard it?

The pure emotion in that song is what grabbed me. I later found out it was a true story about the songwriter’s own dog, Max and that made it even more special.

Embedded from www.youtube.com.

What goes through your mind when you watch this new fan video?

Every night after I play that song fans come up to me and tell me the story of their dogs who they still have or who have passed on. I wanted to somehow honor the fans and their special dogs and thought putting them in the video would be a nice way to do that. The only thing is that I wish we could have used every picture that was sent in. Hopefully we will find a way to include them all.

If you could send a message out to your fans in honor of Veterans Day, what would it be?

I would want to tell them all to stop and consider all that our Veterans have done for us and the freedoms that we are given because of them. I would ask them to do something nice for a veteran on that day.

via:: CMT News