Joe Hanson Feels a Heartache Again in “Part of Me” Video

For Joe Hanson, watching “Part of Me” is like experiencing a breakup all over again. A native of Naperville, Illinois, who now lives in Nashville, Hanson considered a career in Christian music before taking a turn into contemporary country music, where his vocal range and production vibe are a natural fit.

In “Part of Me,” it’s late, he’s drunk on whiskey, and the phone is in his hand. You know where this is leading, right? Recounting a night when he just might try to reunite with an ex, he puts all of his emotions into this video performance. Take a look at “Part of Me,” then read our Q&A with Joe Hanson below the player.

What do you remember most about the shoot for this video?

Honestly I remember how amazing the team I worked with was. They were on top of every little detail concerning the video, obviously, but to even just little things like parking and food, etc., and allowed us to really just enjoy the moment and truly focus on the magic with the music.

My favorite part was the last location shot watching the team transform an empty warehouse into a completely blacked-out performance area. Seeing their creativity turn something like a bland empty warehouse into an incredible performance set inspired me a ton and brought the best out of my band and me.

How does the video bring your song to life?

I believe the video enhances the song because it allow the listener to have a physical visual insight to the the heartbreak / internal struggle I feel in this song. The story allows the viewer to walk in the shoes I once walked in going through a heartbreak in my own life.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

My wish is that people who can relate to “Part of Me” get hope from this to see that if it is something they are struggling with or going through personally they are NOT alone. My mission is to bring unity to the people who feel isolated by their circumstances and situations in life through storytelling.

Whatever they may be going through whether it’s a heartbreak, a loss of a loved one, a good-time party, whatever the case is I wanna use the relatability of country music drawing from my personal life experiences to bring people together and give them hope knowing they aren’t the only ones walking in those shoes.

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

It was honestly mind-blowing to me. “Part of Me” was obviously something I lived personally but watching the video back for the first time brought me right back to that moment in time when I was going through the pain and struggle of that heartbreak. It was a pretty incredible moment knowing how well the video was able to capture my experience and emotions!

I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out and I’m so thankful CMT has given this video a platform and opportunity to reach the masses and hopefully change lives.

Songwriters: Victoria Banks, Justin Morgan, Joe Hanson; Director: Quinton Cook via:: CMT News