Lena Stone Puts Her Own Spin on Being a “Princess”

Who says chivalry is dead? Well, Lena Stone does. In the lyrics of “Princess,” she’s not waiting around for her own knight in shining armor — and she doesn’t think that’s what Cinderella and Snow White need either.

A spirited Massachusetts native who moved to Nashville at 18, Stone has personality to spare in her new music video, “Princess.” (Although some would say her co-star is the mane attraction.) Take a look, then read our interview below the player.

Embedded from www.youtube.com.

What do you remember most about the shoot for this video?

The most memorable part of making this music was definitely bringing a full-sized horse into the studio for one of the scenes! We put a tiara on her and she was a total champ through all of the filming!

How does the video bring your song to life?

The whole idea of the song “Princess” is that being a princess isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be, and I love that we got to show that off in the music video as well. Even though the shots start off looking really glamorous you also get to see the behind-the-scenes aspects that aren’t so fabulous, like clothespins holding my dress together or the horse knocking her head into mine.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

I hope fans see this video and realize that no matter how something looks at first glance, there’s probably a lot more going on underneath. With social media, a lot of things feel superficial these days and it’s important to remember that we’re all imperfect people just trying to figure it out!

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

There is nothing as magical as seeing a music video for the first time, especially because when you’re starring in the video you aren’t behind the camera during the shoot so you have really no idea what it looks like! This is my fourth music video working with Stormlight Pictures and every single time I’m blown away by the way they take an idea and turn into reality!

Songwriters: Lena Stone, Emily Reid, Kalie Shorr; Director: Logen Christopher (Stormlight Pictures) via:: CMT News