3A will keep Basalt above water

The residents of Basalt deserve a big thank you for their patience during the last few months and years. We have suffered through fires, floods and economic recession that have challenged both our community and our town staff. At the end of the day, our community has stood strong against all the adversity and continue to look towards the future.

The Taxpayer Bill of Rights property tax issue that was recently uncovered by town staff is resulting in a tax refund to Basalt citizens to correct a mill levy procedural misunderstanding going back decades. In addition, the town has referred a question to the ballot this November to ask the community to official authorize the property tax at our current 5.857 mills. These two steps will correct the past misstep and adjust the property tax rate going forward to be in compliance with the state constitution.

The essence of ballot question 3A is it will cap the property tax rate at today’s level and will make certain that the town is able to continue the level of service that citizens have come to expect, including police protection, street and park maintenance, recreation offerings and more. Issue 3A is not a property tax increase.

We ask that you please vote yes on 3A. You are invited to call our town manager or finance director on 927-4701 with any questions.

Jacque Whitsitt

Mayor, Basalt

via:: The Aspen Times