3A’s passage will help Basalt move forward

As a resident of Basalt, I am happy to support ballot issue 3A and am in favor of keeping the current property-tax mill levy. I do not believe there was any purposeful ignoring, or ignorance of, the myriad potential pitfalls of TABOR by any previous administration, council, or town staff.

A mistake was made, the town has shown courage and transparency in dealing with, and correcting the problem, and for that I applaud Town Manager Ryan Mahoney, Finance Director Christy Hamrick, Town Attorney Jeff Conklin and the Town Council. 3A asks voters to approve the current 2019 rate for the town of Basalt which, it is important to remember, was previously passed by voters.

The town is finally able to move forward with several long discussed and planned projects. If 3A fails, not only will these projects be stopped or indefinitely delayed, but town services will be curtailed by a nearly $700,000 shortfall. The difference between passing or rejecting is $121 per year on a home valued at $500,000. That’s one-quarter of what the Town is currently refunding each homeowner for a similarly valued property, and the current tax rate will not go up as a result of passage. Let’s keep moving forward and not be stuck in the past. Vote “yes” on 3A.

Paul Hilts


via:: The Aspen Times