A Beaton column I can agree with

A compliment to Glenn Beaton — I am almost always totally disagree with his views. On Easter Sunday, though, he produced an excellent column with which I fully agree (“In an age of terror, what is the responsibility of Islam?” The Aspen Times).

His concluding paragraphs said everything: “In short, the responsibility of Muslims is the same as the responsibility of Jews, Christians and all other people of faith and civilized secularists. In the battle against violent bigotry, there’s no middle ground. You’re either with us or against us.

“Be with us. Be our brothers and sisters in our battle for humanity. We want you.”

On a day when more than 200 were killed in Sri Lanka, we must all redouble our efforts to fight for humanity and against those opposed whatever their color and what ever their religion.

Mr. Beaton, I will read your columns with a more open mind.

Philip Verleger


via:: The Aspen Times