A bipartisan march for Planned Parenthood

On the Fourth of July, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, adults and children are all welcome to march with us under the banner of Planned Parenthood. We are hoping that you, together with your friends and family members, will join us to march or to cheer from the sidewalks as we gather in solidarity for Planned Parenthood, an organization that serves women (and men) — improving their lives and their health and educating their families.

We are inspired by many pioneers and courageous people who preceded us and we are motivated by both federal and state administrations and movements that do not want to permit women to decide what is best for them and their families and that veto the delivery of affordable health care to women.

There is no “costume” or uniform; we will have some small signs that you can carry if you so choose. Please come to Main Street at least an hour prior to the start of the parade time and look for our very large horizontal blue and white Planned Parenthood sign.

Parking will be extremely difficult and the city parking garage will probably fill up by mid-morning. We suggest that you ride the buses. Bring a bottle of water and don’t forget your sunscreen.

Kathryn Rabinow, Barbara Gold, Liz Siegel and Susan Sherwin


via:: The Aspen Times