A fond farewell to Aspen

After 12 1/2 years of living in Aspen, I am about to leave this wonderful place. Through The Aspen Times I would like to thank some people and organizations who were such important part of my children’s growing up.

As everybody knows, “it takes a village” to raise children. I could not do it without you, Aspen.

I would like to thank Drs. Fahey and Mitchell of Aspen Pediatrics for welcoming my children to the world and being there for them every single cough and ear infection, et al. Aspen Country Day School for being the best preschool in the valley. Aspen School District for being the best public school. Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club for Saturdays and Sundays of snow fun and love of skiing. Mike Kaplan, for being the best CEO. Aspen Music Festival and School for instilling in children love of classical music. Anderson Ranch for spreading love of visual arts. Wildwood School for being out there and introducing the kids to the Rocky Mountains, all in the wilderness. Aspen Recreation Center for Saturdays and Sundays filled with fun. Not to mention the amazing summer camp.

And on a personal note: Thank you Aspen Country Day School for being an amazing independent school where children learn in classroom, in the mountains, in the desert and on the stage. All in the name of kindness and friendship.

Thank you Aspen for being an extremely safe and amazing town. My children were so happy growing up here. Thank you to you all.

Anna Nedlin

via:: The Aspen Times