A fresh start for Aspen school board

On behalf of the Aspen School District and the Board of Education, I would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the heartfelt support this community provides to public education.

Our kids are great, our teachers are great, and our district is great because of you and the high but compassionate standards you expect. One only needs to look at the efforts and success of our Aspen Education Foundation’s Flamingo fundraiser as testament to the commitment and care that resides within our community. Thank you all for the steadfast drive and dedication to educational excellence in our district.

As the newly appointed board president, I am honored but also humbled to serve you in these important and challenging times. Our board is laser-focused on improving communications and dialogue with all sectors of the community. To that end, we have established a simple email address that will only come to the board president. If there is something on your mind that you would like to share or discuss, please send an email aspenboelistens@gmail.com.

It is not meant to be the “ultimate solution” to better communication, but we do hope it helps to further promote good dialogue and feedback. As board president, I commit to responding promptly on behalf of the board, and I also commit that authentic respect and dignity be expressed in all responses.

We wish you and yours a very peaceful and happy holiday, and we look forward to serving you as your school Board of Education in 2019!

Dwayne Romero

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President, Aspen School District Board of Education

via:: The Aspen Times