A lost cause in the Middle East

Our commander in chief has declared victory over ISIS and ordered troops to exit Syria. Thank God, one less involvement in civil war, a dangerous proxy war, centuries of religious insanity, massive corruption and dead bodies, everywhere.

The March 27, 2016, LA Times said it all — “In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA.” It is that crazy; thanks due our president for getting us out.

ISIS swept into Syria and Iraq, raping, beheading, growing stronger from captured oil. Pump an army of fuel trucks full of black gold, head for Turkey and sell for arms. In plain sight until the Russians intervened and said … enough! They turned long columns of sitting ducks into smothering heaps and ended ISIS’s revenue stream. Which Barack Obama had allowed to flow because ISIS is Bashar al-Assad’s enemy and the globalist agenda has no room for Assad.

Years ago the empire declared its vision for the Middle East — regime change in seven countries. Everywhere we look our involvement is a total disaster. The Middle East is a dusty, starving, bombed-out war zone; millions have died, millions migrate; Europe is in chaos, America divided. Plan after plan has failed; remember “The Surge.” Damn near two decades of lives, limbs and fortune uselessly expended.

Every strategy has failed except one: withdrawal from these undeclared, unconstitutional, unwinnable wars which Trump promised his constituents he would so order. Our troops are coming home; nevertheless, “The Deep State” ruthlessly attacks our president’s vision for peace.

Will Kesler

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via:: The Aspen Times