A new future for Aspen School District, Community School

A new future for Aspen School District, Community School

It is with great pleasure that we announce the unanimous vote by the Aspen School District Board of Education to accept the new Aspen Community School Charter contract. This contract contained two new substantive issues that positively affect the Aspen Community School and the Aspen School District. They are automatic matriculation of Aspen Community School graduates to the Aspen High School and proportional sharing of local tax revenue.

What does this mean for our students? It means that any graduate of the Aspen Community School who wishes to attend Aspen High School, regardless of where they reside, is automatically enrolled. Secondly, the renewal of the Aspen sales tax and Snowmass Village property tax, anticipated to go before voters in November, will include Aspen Community School and enable proportional sharing of these local tax dollars. These changes to the contract represent five years of work between the Aspen School District Board of Education and the Compass Board. Both boards are committed to working together on future initiatives and tending our mutually beneficial relationship.

As we navigate these uncertain times it is important to highlight what can be accomplished through collaborative work and positive intent. We are excited to move forward, working together for all of our students.

Support Local Journalism

Jeffie Butler

President, Compass Board

Susan Marolt

President, Aspen School District Board of Education

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via:: The Aspen Times