And a Child Shall Lead Them (Isaiah 11:6)

Stand back, Al Gore and Bill McKibben! The climate crusade has a new champion, and she’s 12 years old. Her name is Haven Coleman, and she’s been taking part in a one-girl, sign-carrying protest for climate action in front of government buildings and businesses in the Denver area since the first of the year.

Coleman has communicated with other climate geeks around the world on social media. She’s given speeches in front of oil and gas lackeys U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and state Rep. Dave Lamborn.

The latter presentation caught the attention of former vice president and climate advocate Al Gore, and he included Coleman in his day-long television program “24 Hours of Reality.” She’s currently organizing a U.S. Youth Climate Strike to coincide with the federal congressional vote on the Green New Deal.

That’s as it should be. I’ve lamented in the past that the climate rallies I’ve been to were predominately attended by gray-heads. After all, it’s the young people’s future we were marching for. Coleman has grabbed the controls of that future and is attempting to steer it in a safe and productive direction.

Fred Malo Jr.


via:: The Aspen Times