APD rises to occasion for Coffey event

To Aspen Police Department,

We would like to thank all of your officers for helping to keep the memorial for Sam Coffey, held at The Red Onion on Memorial Day, a community-minded event. Sam was a good friend to everyone who knew him and had only the one request in the event of his death, that The Red Onion host a party in his memory that would remember the life that he led.

We realize that this event put stress on your officers and would like to say how much we appreciate all that they did to help guide us in a direction that allowed all to enjoy and remember a dear friend. Our hope was that everyone would have a great “Sammy” time and from our end we think this was achieved. We hope that is was viewed as a success on your side as well.

This would not have been possible with the limited notice that we had without the help of this entire community.

Thank you to all attended for keeping and spreading the love as Sammy would have.

Brad Smith

The Red Onion

via:: The Aspen Times