Aspen a screenwriter’s dream

To those scriptwriters and wannabe scriptwriters in the valley, I offer some titles/themes that might get you a TV series: “Desperate Jailbirds,” “Full House to the Big House,” “Lifestyles of the Rich and Dishonest,” “Aunt Becky Does Hard Time” and “My Daddy’s Rich So I Don’t Have to Follow the Rules.”

Keeping production local, this last title could include Richard Miller in a cameo appearance since more than once in less than a year he has indicated that rules apparently don’t apply to him (unless they are rules his lawyers stretch on his behalf) at considerable cost to taxpayers and considerable danger to valley residents.

Should he and some of the until-recently celebrated Hollywood types end up in prison together, perhaps they could continue filming instead of making license plates and thereby returning more money to the taxpayers.

Another theme to consider is “Why Can’t Children of Color be More Like White Children and Be Held To the Same Standard?” This could be expressed as satire by the left and as sober-faced docudrama by the religious “right” who are so clueless they would trip over Jesus and then have him deported.

I don’t ask for any remuneration for these sure-fire ideas except, perhaps, some “discrete help” on my SAT test, should I need to take it again.

You’re welcome.

Bill Parish


via:: The Aspen Times