Aspen blinded by its excesses

Just be cause you can, does not mean you should!

It is insane that local officials in Pitkin County and Aspen allow homes to be built the size they are. Most are not even primary residence; they are second or third or forth trophy homes that sit empty most of the year.

The home in Starwood that has taken 13 years to build “will have 18,951 square feet of living space.” (“Starwood HOA seeks $3.4 million over stalled home project,” June 12, The Aspen Times) WTF!?

I also read in the paper recently that a city official stated they know a home’s energy consumption drastically increases at 7,900 square feet.

So fix this and limit house sizes to 7,000 square feet or stop calling yourselves “green” and blowing smoke up peoples’ Aspen!

Now go throw out a ton of food, produce a butt-load of trash that is “commercially” compostable, and enjoy your Food and Wine festival of excess.

I’m going snowboarding! Thank you, Aspen Skiing Co.

John Norman


via:: The Aspen Times