Aspen History: Biking Aspen in the 1890s

“A bicycle club next,” proclaimed the Aspen Daily Leader on May 8, 1892. “The bicycle enthusiasts of the city have in view the formation of a cycle club, the purpose of which is to promote the interests of the wheelmen of Aspen. A meeting will be called in the near future which will be attended by all the prominent bicycle lovers of the city. No association in the interests of cycling exists in this city and where there are so many wheelmen there should be one. A number of young ladies are expecting to become riders in the near future, a club being under formation for the purpose of learning the art of managing the machines in privacy, away from the coarse stare of the sterner sex. The sport is healthy and the club will no doubt prove most successful. Among the gentlemen now riding are Messrs. Stroke, Tuttle, Hannon, Lawrence, Sears, Whitmore, Clark, Bardwell and Van Norman. Several of these will take to the road next Sunday in a run to Glenwood.” This image shows a man and woman on a bicycle outing in the Aspen area, circa 1900.

This photo and more can be found in the Aspen Historical Society archives at

via:: The Aspen Times