Aspen History: Fire crews get ready for 1907 parade

One b/w photograph of the Aspen Hose Team in Leadville on July 4, 1907. They are about to begin a race. They are wearing sleeveless jersies that say “Aspen”, and are in a street in front of a large crowd of people.

“Practicing for race,” declared a headline in the Aspen Daily Times on June 30, 1907. “Members of the two Leadville volunteer hose teams that are working out for the big hose race to be run on July 4 practiced last night, and made some fast time. Fire Chief Irwin’s team practiced on upper Harrison Avenue, near the fire station, and last night, for the first time, made the full run of 750 feet, and in encouraging time, too. They will repeat the performance every evening until the Fourth. Madigan’s speed merchants again attracted the attention of a large crowd of enthusiasts by their work between Sixth and Third streets on the avenue. Their admirers are predicting that they will be a factor in the division of the prizes on the big day.”

This image shows an Aspen Hose Team about to begin a race in Leadville on July 4, 1907.

This photo and more can be found in the Aspen Historical Society archives at

via:: The Aspen Times