Aspen History: ‘The Cattle Queen’

One glass-plate negative of a log building and corrals, part of the Lindvig Snowmass Ranch (also known as Snowmass Falls Ranch, sold to the Perrys in 1943 by Kate Lindvig). Mount Daly is in the background. 1910-
James “Horsethief” Kelley

“Yesterday was the beginning of the Farmers’ Short Course and the Domestic Science Course, and it was a good beginning, too,” announced the Aspen Daily Times on Feb. 18, 1908. “The men and boys will not have the Farmers’ Short Course all to themselves by any means. There will be at least one woman in it. Miss Kate Lindvig, the cattle queen of this section of the state, is the only woman who has so far bought a ticket to the Farmer’s Short Course and it is said she will use it, too. She also bought a Domestic Science course ticket. She is interested in farming and housekeeping and proposes to get the benefit of both courses as much as possible. She knows a good thing when she sees it. That is the reason she has been so successful both as a housekeeper and on the ranch. This image shows the Snowmass Falls Ranch belonging to Kate Lindvig, who was known as Aspen’s Cattle Queen. Mount Daly is in the background.

This photo and more can be found in the Aspen Historical Society archives at

via:: The Aspen Times